Pride and Prejudice - Mr Darcy's Secret Struggle with Pride

Pride and Prejudice


Welcome friends! Today we'll be diving into Jane Austen's beloved classic novel Pride and Prejudice.

Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice

Published in 1813, this witty romance has entertained readers for generations and remains as sharp and entertaining as ever. Join me as we explore the enchanting world of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy through the themes, characters, plot and legacy of this remarkable work.  

About Jane Austen

Jane Austen was born in 1775 in England. While she lived a relatively quiet life, residing with her family in rural Hampshire, she would go on to achieve literary immortality through her works. Austen was a close observer of societies and had a keen eye for the social nuances and norms of early 19th century bourgeois England. She penned Pride and Prejudice and other acclaimed titles like Emma and Sense and Sensibility in the early 1800s. Though Austen found success, she lived much of her life in relative anonymity as a female author in Regency Era Britain. Fortunately, her stories have more than endured - they're cherished for their wit, social commentary and portraits of universal human emotions.

Pride and Prejudice Themes

Two overarching themes that define Pride and Prejudice are, you guessed it, pride and prejudice. The story explores how these traits can both help and hinder romantic relationships. Pride serves as a barrier for Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth as they incorrectly judge one another. But eventually they overcome their prejudices through honest introspection. Other themes like social class, the importance of marriage, and women's limited social roles in Regency society are also examined. Ultimately Austen shows how characters must look beneath surface biases to find true understanding.

Pride and Prejudice Characters

Now let's meet some of Austen's beloved characters. Elizabeth Bennet charms with her intelligence, wit and rebellious spirit in going against societal expectations for women. Her romantic journey with the haughty Mr. Darcy is central to the tale. Darcy has much pride but also compassion beneath his aloof mask. The vivacious yet silly Lydia Bennet brings levity. Kindhearted Jane Bennet and pragmatic Charlotte Lucas round out the core cast. Through developing these vivid personalities, Austen crafted some of literature's most memorable protagonists.

Pride and Prejudice Full Summary

The story centers around the five Bennet sisters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia - who face an uncertain future once their father passes away. As none but the eldest can inherit the family estate, the girls must secure favorable marriages to have financial security. Mr. Bingley, a rich bachelor, arrives to neighboring Netherfield which captures the attention of Jane and the whole neighborhood. When Bingley's proud friend Mr. Darcy offends Elizabeth at a ball, her prejudice against him is set. Through a series of misunderstandings, growing affections and meddling relations, the fates of Jane/Bingley and Elizabeth/Darcy play out against Regency era small town intrigue. Will pride and prejudice thwart true love or pave the way for happily ever after? Read and find out!

Pride and Prejudice Quotes

A few of my favorite quotes that capture the wit and spirit of Austen's prose: 
  1. "For what do we live, but to play sports for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?"
  2. "I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!"
  3. "You are uniformly charming and obliging." 
  4. "You should learn to be satisfied with being handsome enough."

Pride and Prejudice Page Count

Pride and Prejudice consists of approximately 220,000 words and is 304 pages in most editions, making it a brisk but meaty read.

Why is Pride and Prejudice so famous?

There are several reasons Pride and Prejudice has endured nearly two centuries after publication:

  •  Austen's witty prose and realist portraits of romance are as enjoyable now as ever.
  • Timeless themes of love, social norms and personal growth resonate widely.
  • Memorable characters like Elizabeth Bennet are influential archetypes in literature.
  • As one of the first romance novels, it helped shape the genre immensely.
  • The wit and satire of Regency society rings true as insights on the human condition. 
  • Film and TV adaptations have introduced new generations to Austen's enchanting world.
In the end, Austen crafted a work that is both profoundly entertaining and thought-provoking - a testament to her genius and a large part of why Pride and Prejudice remains a beloved classic. Its re-read value is high!


In conclusion, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is a work that has stood the test of time due to its charming prose, nuanced observations of humanity, and enduring romance at its core. Through developing intricate characters like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, she crafted complex love stories that still feel fresh today. I hope exploring this beloved novel has you wanting to pick up your own copy. As one quote says, there truly is no enjoyment like getting lost in Austen's enchanting stories. Please share any other thoughts or favorite moments from the novel!


Q: What period is Pride and Prejudice set in?  
A: The Regency era from 1811-1820.

Q: How old was Jane Austen when she wrote Pride and Prejudice?
A: Between ages 31-35. 

Q: How many proposals does Elizabeth Bennet receive?
A: Two - from Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy.

Q: Who plays Mr. Darcy in the 1995 BBC adaptation?
A: Colin Firth, cementing him as the definitive Darcy.

Q: What is Mr. Darcy's family estate called?
A: Pemberley